Construction Zone Season

May 02, 2014
Contact: Elise Schaffer, PIO Phone: (608) 284-6142
Sheriff's Office

The weather might not feel spring-like this week, but a sure sign that the seasons are changing is road construction.  Every year in Wisconsin, highway workers and motorists are injured in work zone crashes.


Emergency responders have already dealt to two injury crashes in Dane County involving motorists in road construction zones.  The Dane County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind drivers to pay close attention in work zones.  To protect themselves, and those working on the roadways, slow down, and move over whenever possible.  Remember when you’re entering a work zone to be patient and eliminate distractions.  Rear-end collisions are very common in work zones, so leave plenty of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.


Planning ahead by knowing where road construction is happening can make for smoother travel.  Up to date construction information for the state can by found at


Penalties for violations in construction zones can be serious.  Traffic citations are doubled when given in a work zone and the consequences for injuring someone or causing a fatality can result in years of prison time. 


Driving safely in work zones protects both vulnerable highway workers and motorists and their passengers.  The Dane County Sheriff’s Office plans to strictly enforce traffic laws in work zones, so obey the posted speed limits, give driving your full attention, and move over whenever possible.

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